
Showing posts from June, 2020

How a Toy Rotation Saved My Sanity- and how to start one of your own!

Raise your hand if you have spent more than 10 minutes at the end of the day cleaning up after your kids? ✋ Raise your hand if you are over it and ready to make things more simple for yourself and benefit your kids? ✋ Let me introduce to you a game-changer: the toy rotation! Flashback to about 7 months ago as I transitioned to staying home with my two boys. It was a few weeks after Christmas and I remember looking at our living room one day and there was an entire box of Picasso tiles dumped on the floor, a whole tote of Little People trucks and people kicked about the room, and another tote of random toys strewn about. This was the moment that things changed for us as a family. That evening I packed up most of the toys and put them out of reach/view of our curious toddler. This was the start of our toy rotation. Our current shelf upstairs Current downstairs shelf What does a toy rotation involve?  I try to pick out toys on a weekly basis that are on a shelf so the boys can grab